Humanitarian Projects

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Mothers Legacy Project is an organization dedicated to helping marginalized people worldwide improve basic human rights and conditions, address violence, ensure participation in education, and promote growth and prosperity.

Awareness Campaigns
Completed and Ongoing Projects and Partnerships:

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(Walk of the Heroines Garden, Portland State University) We are a founding member and contribute stories as well as ongoing support for the garden.


(Commission on the Status of Women ) We conduct panels on maternal health and other health issues.


(Mothers Monument ) We help with fundraising and awareness campaigns about maternal mortality.


(Mentors International ) We have provided artwork that helped raise over $450,000 at their annual galas. These funds provide micro-credit loans for women in South America and the Philippines.


(Evening of the Arts ) We showcase local visual and performance artists- donated funds support our efforts locally and worldwide.


(Solar Cooker International ) We support this nonprofit that creates low-cost, transportable solar cookers and safe water kits in Kenya.


(Days for Girls ) We partner to provide sustainable feminine hygiene kits for women and girls worldwide.


(Bubblewrap Mattresses ) We make mattress and pillows for the homeless.


(Return to Manhood ) We support their work in training men and boys throughout Kenya and Ghana.


(Rising Star Outreach ) We helped provide services for leprosy affected people and children in India.


Partnering Organizations