Mothers Monument

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“Angle Mother”

“Motherhood- Greater Love”


“The Call”

A Mother’s Monument:   Honoring mothers and those who protect them by raising awareness of the multiple causes of maternal mortality.  What we honor in public spaces shapes our priorities. Help us build the first in a series of public memorials to honor women who have died due to childbirth related causes and those who work to save them.  Please go to this website and click on Follow or share on Twitter.  We need your help!


Why a monument? In short, because the problem is bigger than a shortfall in resources. Every country with low or rapidly falling death rates has an established national action plan. Whether you know it or not you are part of the solution in more ways that you can imagine. The more engaged we become as a country to address this issue the more effective our efforts will become. Public memorials draw attention to causes, values and hopes and they help teach us how to respond. Across the globe, our cities, parks, and museums are covered with paintings and monuments erected to honor the courage and sacrifice of soldiers, civil rights and political leaders, but there is nothing to honor those that have given birth to nations.   For more details about the project visit:

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